Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This book is about a girl named Kailey who loves tide pools, snorkeling and boogie boarding with her best friend Tess at their local beach.

One day when they got onto the beach they saw a sign that said a Commercial Cove Resort was going to be made soon! It was going to be made on the bluff. The resort was going to have a movie theater with twelve screens, a hotel, and stairs on the rocks to make it easier to get to and from the beach. Kailey thought that part was cool until she found out they will be removing the boulders were the tide pools were! Kailey did not like the idea of that because she loves those tide pools and does not want that to happen to all of her friends! So she promised all her sea friends that she will not let them die!

One busy day on the weekend Kailey was thinking about the tide pools when all of the sudden Tess screams and falls on one rock after another, and when she reached the bottom, she could not put weight on one of her feet. They call Tess's mom and tell her to come and pick her up. The next day Kailey comes to visit to see that Tess is all banged up with a cast on her leg.

Will Kailey stop this boulder moving? Will Tess turn out ok?

Read Kailey by Amy Goldman Koss.

I give this book 10 bananas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Tay again... i am going to read this one!
Your cousin