Monday, July 20, 2009

Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Danger Over Seas

Nancy Drew: Nancy went to Rome with her two best friends (Bess and George )who happen to be cousins. They all came with Bess and George's Great Aunt. They were expecting a normal vacation without any crimes, but they were wrong. One nice day in Rome Bess got pick pocketed! They caught the theft and got back the wallet but a weird story went with it. The theft had no memory of who she was and how she got to Rome! Can Nancy Drew Figure out this crazy mystery?

The Hardy Boys: Frank and Joe are normal teenage boys but they work for a secret spy agency called ATAC. This time the agency has sent them to Rome as archeologists. The reason why was because there was this young student working at the dig and stole ancient things from the site. And sold them online . He got caught, but the Hardy Boys can't get him to tell if anyone was in on it with him. They suspected his girl friend Caitlin. So they boys are to find out who was in on it and if possible find Caitlin. Can they solve this unsolved mystery?

Read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Danger Over Seas by Carolyn Keene and Franklin W. Dixon to find out.

I give this book 9 bananas.
(Mild violence)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

ooo... sounds like a good one...:) I see I have missed several book reviews! You have been busy reading I see.